Saturday, February 17, 2007

What is frilans

What is frilans

Probably, many of us dream of earning money, not leaving from the house. Sit on coast of the warm sea, have a drink a cocktail and when there is a mood – create also it(this) earn to itself for a comfortable life. A fantasy? With development of the Internet it becomes a reality. Moreover, in the near future representatives of a lot of trades will be relieved of necessity to go to stuffy offices and to waste time on road. Naturally, it is a question not about « to work on a home telephone number », and of trades interesting and creative.

Free-lance in translation(transfer) from French – the supernumerary journalist or the photographer. But since recent time this term carry to any professionals working distantsionno. First of all, in this market programmers, translators, architects, editors and advertisers, the list very long use demand a web-designers.

In the USA, for example, frilansery more, than experts in the same area, working in office on the average earn full day. In fact « free artists » usually become professionals of a high class.

At us while to remote cooperation concern cautiously though for the small companies with the limited budget it is the best output(exit) – it is possible to save both time, and money for "bureaucracy".

For certain you will find application and to the talents. All is completely not complex(difficult) – many potential employers search frilanserov through the Internet. For example, on a site it is possible to find both announcements of work, and the resume frilanserov, and also « black lists » executors and employers. On there is a greater(big) base of professionals in any area with examples of their works. Offers begin with modest 10 $ for design of a congratulatory card and reach several thousand for the serious project. There is even such exotic kind of work, as participation in thematic forums for small payment. Money you can receive both on the bank account, and through various systems the Internet-payments, such as Webmoney, and contracts in case of need to make out by means of certified mails.

This way of earnings there are also reefs. Working as each time with the new customer how to be assured(confident) what you receive payment for the work? Advantages frilansera consist that it(he) can reject the doubtful project. One of key rules – a free time is more dear(expensive), than uninteresting and plokhooplachivaemaya work. How to distinguish the bad project from perspective?

First of all, estimate(appreciate) objective cost of your services. If the customer offers much less, it(he) simply miser, and, probably, is required many efforts or long time to force it(him) to leave money. If it(he) offers much more, than usually pay for such service, most likely, it simply bait for naive, and it(he) is not going to pay at all.

The customer declares(announces) the tender. It can mean, that it(he) simply wishes to collect works, and then to use them, nothing having paid. The authorship will prove then very difficultly. However it is possible to make secure – to unpack(print out) the materials and to send itself the certified mail. Date on a postage stamp will be the proof of your author's priority.

The customer himself does not know, that it(he) wants. If it(he) not in a condition to formulate the technical project the probability of is great that you cannot please it(him). Besides it can mean, that it(he) simply investigates(researches) the market and looks narrowly at the prices.

From you demand to finish work in the shortest terms. Most likely, the customer long delayed searches of the executor, and to be answerable for its(his) carelessness it is necessary to you.

It is a little practice, and you learn to distinguish « the good client » and will get the circle of constant customers. But what before you prospects will open! It is necessary to risk.
