Saturday, February 17, 2007

Keeper Classic it something brand new

Keeper Classic it something brand new

The new version of the Keeper - in literal sense the newest for the last some years. In it(her) one has more than changes, than for all the last years. And that the first figure in number of the version was replaced with 2 on 3, speaks already about much. When I the first time have seen the changed interface of the program, I all over again at all have not believed to that I see: so striking there were changes. Even the curriculum should be copied:-) However about all under the order.

The interface

As we see, the interface will turn(turn over) from legs(foots) on a head. Literally. The bookmarks which are settled down earlier vertically, now cost(stand) one after another horizontally. But it on yuzabiliti especially does not influence. It is much more important, that uniform button " Menu " is not present more. Its(her) functions are carried on items(points) "Menu", "To adjust(set up)" and "Help" at the top of a window. It is more convenient, than was. As on me, it is possible and to carry further.

Also now always on a kind your certificate, niknejm and BL. Below the reference(link) with a current condition of the Keeper is located, for example " OnLine - to update data ".

As a whole the interface became more classical, traditional - and from it(this) as it seems to me, has won. And here support skinov now is not present and more never will be. First, because the foreign company which has given in due time technology for connection skinov, more does not render technical support to the product and to fasten skiny to a varying Keeper to developers all it becomes more difficult. And, secondly, because skiny, having executed the historical function, gradually became an irrelevant vestige of the past: being only a toy, they demand many machine resources and brake work of the program. So fans(amateurs) "odezhek" should get used to the new ascetic interface. Alas but to do(make) nothing.

The entrance window also has undergone minor alterations. The safe now is not present, but the essence has remained the same. I think, you and without me will understand, that there to what:


The main thing that has pleased - the Keeper began to work much more quickly and more quickly. Now it(he) eats twice less than operative memory, is more quickly connected, more quickly started, does not brake almost. It really is the most important than other innovations because it means the kept nerves and time of users.

Well also it is necessary to tell about innovations. In 3-rd version it is a lot of them.

At last convenient work with entering events is realized. On a place of a bookmark " New accounts(invoices) " which is not clear for what sticked out in the Keeper from time immemorial, now there was a bookmark "Entering" in which are located not only new accounts(invoices), but also other events: receipts of means, messages, refusals of accounts(invoices). They are there until the user will not make with them the necessary action. For translations(transfers) and messages it is simple their viewing (double cliques on event in the list), for new accounts(invoices) - their payment or refusal, for translations(transfers) with the patronage - input of a code of the patronage. As soon as necessary action is made, event disappears from the list, and until then hangs there as a reminder.

Thus, the user always sees, what events have remained raw, not seen(overlooked). At following start of the Keeper these events do not disappear from "Entering" and continue to wait for the hour. To clean(remove) from the list selective event, it is possible to allocate it(him) (Ctrl and Shift do not work, and it is a pity... A hint to developers) to make right cliques and to press "To clean"(remove"). Completely to clear the list - right cliques, " To clean(remove) all ".

To change width of columns, "grope" an invisible divider (it(he) for some reason is not displayed) and move to the left or to the right, as on a screenshot above.

In a bookmark "Purses" all remains in an old fashion. In "Correspondents" display BL is added, and in the contextual menu the item(point) " is added To send SMS ", opening interface SmSsender'a for sending SMS on any any number.

If the tick in " is exposed To adjust(set up) - Parameters of the program - Safety - Automatic generation of a code of the patronage " the code of the patronage (5 figures) will be generated by the program independently. Here so:

If this tick is switched off, the code of the patronage can be set manually, as earlier.

One of basic "chesspieces" of the new version - a WM-chat. It that referred to as WM-mail earlier, and now is advanced so, that the most suitable name became a word "chat". Judge:

Dialogue of users WebMoney, as before, occurs(happens) on the internal protected channel, but now for this purpose the window, similar that we have got used to see in ICQ and other IM-programs is used. In the top area of a window the history of correspondence is displayed, in bottom you type(collect) the new message. Sending by button " Send " or Ctrl+Enter, or it is simple Enter, depending on current adjustments(options). Evidently and much more conveniently, than earlier.

The window of a WM-chat can be open only one, and dialogues with various interlocutors "are pasted" to it(him,them) in the form of bookmarks (see a screenshot above). If an icon of the correspondent grey, it(he) now offline. If orange-yellow - online. At receipt of new messages from the correspondent the corresponding(meeting) bookmark and a window of a WM-chat "have an effect" a blinking, in the same way, as it occurs(happens) in ICQ.

The window of a chat is equipped by the panel of tools (guide a mousy at buttons for reception of helps). So, directly therefrom it is possible to look the information on the interlocutor, to transfer(transmit) it(him) WM, to draw the account(invoice). It is possible to insert the citation into the text of messages, for this purpose serve tegi and the special button in the panel. By the way, here to you not documentary opportunities: tegi ... (a fat font) ... (Italics) and ... (Are underlined) too work. Possibly, in following versions to them also will fasten buttons for convenience.

One of buttons - sending of the message to group of correspondents - will appear useful to those who conducts the list of the clients or colleagues. Now it(he,they) can be informed news to all at once, instead of to everyone.

All operations with the given correspondent immediately appear in a window of a chat in the form of messages (see a screenshot below). Moreover, clicking under references(links), it is possible to expedite corresponding(meeting) actions. And still it is possible to load history of messages into a window of a chat. To look through history of correspondence in such a way it is very convenient.

Some changes have concerned(touched) also adjustments(options) of the program (" To adjust(set up) - Parameters of the program "). Here three new items(points): " To demand acknowledgement(confirmation) at closing dialogues, an output(exit) from the program ", " To show the text in bookmarks of the main window ", " To show offline-correspondents ". The first tick it is possible to cancel display here such windows which bothered much:

The second tick cleans(removes) inscriptions in headings of bookmarks "Correspondents", the "Purses" "Entering", "Information", leaving there only icons. The third tick includes-switches off display in "Correspondents" of all correspondents who are being at present offline. Can, someone and is useful...

As to work with WinXP here support by that (see a screenshot below), first, it is added. It can become replacement died skinam the Keeper (fans(amateurs) skinov, above a nose!). Secondly, now the Keeper it is possible to start and use not only under the rights of the manager, but also under registration records with the limited rights. Earlier it was impossible.

That who uses a mail box on, it will be pleasant to learn(find out) what to get there now it is possible without authorization, it is direct from the Keeper (the Menu - the Mail box...). And even at receipt of new letters you will be notified, here so:

Well and still kind ten less significant improvements and additions on which we shall not stop.

Now on canons of a genre it is necessary to criticize, i.e. to tell, that was not pleasant. I shall fairly tell, I long thought above this question. In the first release of 3-rd version there were some defects, on which users have there and then specified to developers. In some days the new release where these defects are eliminated(erased,removed) has been laid out. Now and to carp especially there is nothing. Well is not present, now something I shall think up and at something I shall carp:-)
Still a little irritates (though already less, than earlier, - you get used) a window of the master of safety at an input(entrance). To disconnect(switch-off) it(him) it is possible only at absence of critical remarks on safety. The desire of developers a nose is creditable to stick the user in this information (it(he) will not understand - laziness), but contents of a window are still loaded long, at me till 1 minute and even longer.
Still long there is a data exchange to server WebMoney when therefrom it is necessary to request any information. For example, search of the correspondent on WMID at me borrows(occupies) not less than 30 seconds.
For a long time wished to suggest to make search on own correspondents in a bookmark "Correspondents". When it is a lot of correspondents, to search necessary begins tiresomely. At me, for example, some hundreds correspondents and to find among them Ivan Ivanov not so it is easy(light). Search should be not only on WMID, but also on a pseudonym, a name, a surname... In general, on all fields. The similar plug-in, by the way, is in Miranda. Who uses, know, that it(he) is very useful.
Probably, it would be necessary to add an option of autopurification of the list "Entering" or a condition at which such autopurification would work. To automatic services like exchange offices, possibly, not so pleasantly every time manually to clean quickly growing list of translations(transfers).

Many users in the responses ask to make the Keeper "folding" that it was possible to connect only those functions which are necessary. I consider(count), it is unjustified. Think, it is possible to break into what components the Keeper? A problem(task) complex(difficult), because the Keeper - a single whole. For example, hardly it is necessary to do(make) a separate plug-in of a WM-chat and to disconnect(switch-off) it(him) as superfluous, and then skachivat, to establish(install) and connect as soon as it is required to send or receive the message. Or, say, all that concerns to safety - unless it is possible to allocate in any separate module?

File of keys and safety

In 3-rd version work with files of keys is changed. If there were keys and a backup copy, now - only keys earlier. The file of keys, as before, has expansion .kwm, but for work of the Keeper it(he) is not necessary any more!

1) it is necessary for you to keep keys in a file through Adjustments(Options) - Programs... - Safety - To keep keys. In dialogue of preservation you will ask to set a code of access. Appoint(nominate) here the password which is distinct from that you use at an input(entrance) in the Keeper. Remember or write down it(him)! It is necessary to understand, that the code of access is not the same, that the password on an input(entrance). The code of access serves for protection of a file .kwm.

2) .kwm for daily work of the Keeper henceforth it is not necessary. For this reason it is desirable to keep it(him) on the demountable carrier(bearer).

3) .kwm it is required only at the first connection to data WMID after reinstallation of OS or when you the first time are connected from other computer. In these cases it is necessary to pass(take place) initialization ON - to show the Keeper where there is you .kwm. It(he) will create on its(his) basis service files for the further work. So that to begin work on a new computer or after change of OS, it is necessary to initialize the program. At transition to the new version of the Keeper, and also at registration in system new WMID service files are created automatically.

4) At the subsequent connections .kwm it is not necessary, keys are stored(kept) in service files. Where there are these files, developers do not inform. Yes it and is not important, as abduction of another's service files will not give anything to the malefactor: they ustrojstvozavisimye also can be used for work of the program only on this computer. And connection on other computer probably only with a file of keys .kwm

Total, at you should be: 1) a file .kwm with the keys, kept from the Keeper; 2) a code of access to .kwm; 3) the entrance password on yours WMID; 4) a file .pwm with purses.

To use the same WMID on two different computers, it is necessary only on each of them to pass(take place) initialization from the same .kwm as it is described above in item(point) 3.

I consider(count), that the present model does(makes) Keeper Classic finally inaccessible to swindlers. You need to see to it all about three levels of protection: the password on an input(entrance), safety and inaccessibility of a file of keys .kwm and safeties of a code of access to this file. According to new model, some have disappeared old "zamorochki", for example now to change the size of keys it is impossible, in it(this) simply there is no need.

Let's sum up

Whether it is necessary to put Yes, I urgently recommend it to make, because 3-rd version - very successful and convenient product. It is assured(confident), it is pleasant to you. If you will have questions on Keeper Classic - write in comments to this clause(article) or at a forum. I recommend you also prohonour clause(article) " Mistakes(Errors) of the resident " about critical situations (mistakes(errors)) which can arise at work with Keeper Classic.
