Saturday, February 17, 2007

Work abroad for students

Work abroad for students
Work and travel USA – the most popular program of the international student's exchanges created for students, wishing to get acquainted with culture and traditions of the American nation, to tighten English language, to get an operational experience abroad, to get(start) new friends and to travell on open spaces of America.

Work and travel USA enters into the program of intergovernmental exchanges Cultural Exchange Programs at participation of the State department of the USA. All participants for the period of stay in the USA receive status Exchange visitor and the official sanction to work. For the first time the program has declared itself in 1957 and for this time has got the international popularity among students more than from 40 countries of the world.

Whether I can take part(participate) in the given program
You can, if you the student of a higher educational institution (the day time or evening form of training) and not last rate, you from 18 till 23 years, you not bad know English. Some workplaces need good knowledge of language, but in most cases enough a colloquial level. On conditions of the program of a profound knowledge of language it is not required to the student, enough base. However the is better you know language, the you have more than chances to find suitable and more highly paid work. Besides, knowing at a good level language of the country where you are going to live 4 months, you can easily adapt and receive from program Work and Travel USA everything, that it(she) can give you.

For participation in the program the huge quantity(amount) of documents is required. To collect them independently and to give in the American embassy difficultly enough, therefore students address in agencies which are engaged in the international student's exchanges. The agency will help(assist) you to prepare all documents, will organize to you interview in embassy, will support(maintain) you in the USA for the period of your stay there. For participation in the program you should find agency suitable for you, to pass(take place) there interview and to start to collect all documents. Interviews in agencies begin with September, 1st and come to an end, as a rule, on February, 28th (some agencies prolong terms till March, 31st).

That the given program will give me
Being the participant of the program, the student has an opportunity to work practically on any post in sphere of service (offices, hotels, restaurants, children's camp, parks of rest and entertainments, shops, national parks, etc.) during 3-4-х months during the years(summer) period, and upon termination of the working contract at desire of 4 more weeks to travel and enjoy as sights of America. It is possible to collect the company of friends, to take for rent the car and to go in searches of adventures on boundless open spaces of the American continent! At desire it is possible to visit on resorts of Pacific or Atlantic coast USA, to see eyes New York City and San Francisco, Boston and Chicago. And the one whom beauty of a transatlantic life interest a little, can to bring all cash earned by fair work with itself(himself) home here again to realize the ideas and projects.

The circle of vacancies which are offered by the American employers, is extensive. Each student can find for itself that work which corresponds(meets) to its(his) needs(requirements) and interests. To cost to remember, that directly depends on knowledge of English language what work to you will offer. If your knowledge of English language at high enough level you can safely keep the resume in the American company. Participants of program Work and Travel USA have an opportunity not simply to familiarize with standards of work of the American companies, they check them in operation and use then the got experience for successful career growth on returning in a native land. The resume with a foreign operational experience accompanied by pair-three flatter responses from your employers in the form of letters of recommendation will look(appear) vpechatlyayushche. With such luggage the question of employment on arrival to a native land will be solved easy enough.

Through недельку-other of dense dialogue with native speakers a method of full immersing in the language environment students start to speak fluently. Here it is meant not so much a level of possession of English language as to it(this) hardly you will learn for couple of weeks and even months, and here ability confidently to support(maintain) conversation, absence of a language barrier and a complex of dialogue in another's language will be available. And whence only knowledge have undertaken? It is known whence! Years of cramming at school and HIGH SCHOOL have made the business. Simply all your knowledge safely dozed on shelfs of long-term memory as superfluous. Here also were useful.

Work and Travel USA is an opportunity to test the forces and to receive invaluable life experience. This program for those who is not afraid to overcome an obstacle in a way to independence, independence and freedom. It is an excellent(a different) way for resolute young men to learn to put the purposes and to reach(achieve) them, poznat itself and to make break in the world of successful people. Participants of the program receive skills not from books, and from own experience of daily dialogue with representatives of other culture. Experience which is got by students, allows them to look in another way at world around, on the place in it(him), to open the opportunities and to learn to be strong and successful people.

How many I shall earn
The average rate of wages for participants of the program usually makes 6-7 dollars at an o'clock. On positions which provide the tip, the salary can be and 2-3 dollars at an o'clock, but in view of the tip can leave and in some times more. Students work in norm(rate) of 35-40 hours per week, earning $1000-1200 in a month. Those who wishes to earn more, find an opportunity to work overtime (Extra Hours) or are arranged for the second work. In this case it is possible to bring home $6 000 – 10 000 and more. And it is possible to travell after the termination(ending) of the contract on this money across America. What to choose for itself – everyone solves.

Depending on individual needs(requirements), on meal it is usually spent nearby $150 in a month (it is a question about fast food, after which not raspolnet – simply sin, but is the cheapest meal which is presumed by the average student), on residing – $200-300 in a month if you will live in a student's hostel (hostel) about which numerous legends not absolutely pleasant maintenance(contents) go, and nearby $170 for a week if to live in simple motel, but with rather comfortable conditions. It is necessary to make a reservation, that those who works in restaurant business, in some cases receive a free-of-charge feed(meal), and working in hotels – free-of-charge habitation.

The basic problems arising in the USA, and their decision

Most likely, you in Staffs(States) will have a set various, at times serious and not so problems. Remember, that the basic problems with which the participants who are being the USA under the program collide(face), are:

1. Non-observance of safety precautions regulations on work, that sometimes leads to various traumas.

2. Non-observance of rules of traffic (many participants buy to themselves bicycles or hire machines(cars) and thus get in road accident, sometimes with serious consequences for itself). Be extremely accurate on road and to ways.

3. Do not inform in time on the site to parents owing to what, parents start to go mad and search for you 24 hours per day.

4. Larceny (there is a percent(an interest) of children(guys) which actively are engaged shop-lifting, on it(this) criminal cases which are very quickly lead up to courts(vessels) come across, got(started)). A verdict depending on the sum stolen. From hundred up to pair thousand dollars of the penalty, plus corrective works.

5. The various problems connected with alcohol, i.e. having come off the parents, many start to use strong drinks in unlimited quantities(amounts), getting in various bad situations. Remember that in the USA the age of majority comes in 21 year, instead of in 18, as in Russia.

6. Loss of the documents/air tickets/prophetic(things)/luggages, widespread enough phenomenon. Make copies of all necessary documents. Remember, that you are obliged to lodge NOBODY ANY documents or under any pretext. Closely(attentively) watch(keep up) the things and to not leave them without supervision. Do not repeat mistakes(errors) of others.

7. To cost to be ready to everything, even to refusal of the employer already directly in America. Refusal can occur(happen) for any reason: closing of business of the employer to your arrival, your bad knowledge of English language (before flight to the United States you pass(take place) two interviews: one in agency which is engaged in program Work and Travel USA, another – in embassy, therefore failure because of bad knowledge of language - very rare case but to exclude it(him) it is not necessary, as there were precedents), your appearance not absolutely respectable (such can occur(happen) if you apply for a post of the secretary in firm or the manager in hotel). Failure can occur(happen) and also owing to bad work when you already work some time. Do not forget, that Americans – bureaucrats, will squeeze out of you everything, that only it is possible. To work it will be necessary well, to not try to leave from work. This variant will not pass(not take place). In America for a long time the principle « strongest already operates(works) survives ». The more you work, the receive laurels more. In America huge quantity(amount) of a labour, therefore it is not necessary to be under a delusion.

8. Remember, that in New York in eleven one o'clock in the morning respectable Americans are careful to go in the underground and to turn in not shined(covered) lanes. It not time of lonely white girls. The New York underground - dirty, poor, in comparison with Moscow - as if(as) ugly Indian the cripple near to the tidy German burgher. New York is a city on which it is better to admire from, but to not plunge in any way into its(his) life.

9. On arrival to the USA it will be necessary for you to make Social Security Card, differently a card of social insurance which is necessary that the employer paid to you wages. For this purpose in a native land you will receive Job offer (the invitation from the employer) and form DS-2019 (the sanction to work in the USA). On the basis of these documents to you will make at the nearest American office of social insurance Social Security Card. Process of reception of a card can last about four weeks, therefore be ready to that you will not receive in this time interval wages. There were cases, that students did not receive a card at all and have been compelled(forced) to work for the tip. The percent(interest) of such probability is very low. Such happens only in the event that on arrival to America, the employer refuses to you in work (for registration of a card acknowledgement(confirmation) of that employer is necessary, that it(he) really takes you for work).

All the American and Russian organizations, engaged programs of a student's exchange, have a round-the-clock line of support for the decision of urgent questions. Besides round-the-clock line Help Line of the company « New Work City USA » works. Therefore, if the student has appeared in a trouble or it is necessary to solve urgently any question, it(him) will not leave without the help.

Students! Use this chance, all difficulties will go to you on advantage(benefit), will strengthen your spirit and character, will temper will power. You will feel freedom, will understand, that you cost(stand) actually. Well also look the world, receive weight of pleasure, impressions, beautiful photos to which your friends will envy all.
