Thursday, February 15, 2007

Taxes and tax collections. The real estate in Turkey. How to avoid problems.

Taxes and tax collections. The real estate in Turkey. How to avoid problems.

1. The last tax debts. The real estate in Turkey.

At purchase of the real estate in Turkey it is necessary to find out, whether taxes for last years are paid all. To make it owe your agency, having taken at the seller of a x-copy of all receipts on payment of taxes and having transferred(transmitted) the expert for check.

According to the law, the buyer and the seller together bear the responsibility on payment of taxes for the last and current year of sale of the real estate before the state Turkey. Therefore before purchase of the real estate it is necessary to check up cleanliness of sold object that in the further to not have problems.

Though under the law if all taxes is paid by the buyer the buyer has the right to demand from the seller of compensation of the sum together with percent(interests). But if the seller is declared(announced) by the bankrupt, and the buyer does not have means to pay off debts to the state Turkey object can confiscate and sell by auction.

2. Specified in the cadastral ground register (TAPU) cost of the real estate

The project cost of the real estate in Turkey on TAPU differs from a real project cost sometimes in times. Also it is connected here with what.

On declared in TAPU costs you pay surtax. And if within four years from the moment of purchase you decide to sell the real estate you should pay surtax from the profit received as a result of(as a result). Usually cost on TAPU underestimate on how many it is possible, and the tax turns out minimal. Usually it(he) joins the seller in a real project cost.

Also from declared in TAPU costs the size of the duty(tax) depends. At sale and purchase of the real estate in Turkey, and the seller pay the duty(tax) at a rate of 1,5 % from the declared project cost. At donation the duty(tax) pays only odaryaemyj (5,4 %)

3. The tax declaration under the real estate in Turkey

The buyer is obliged to submit the tax declaration under the real estate up to the end of year of purchase and to pay the tax to the real estate, since next year. The seller as it was spoken above, pays the tax charged for year of purchase. If the real estate has been bought(purchased) within last quarter year the declaration it is necessary to submit within three months from the date of purchase.

4. The real estate bought(purchased) addressed to spouses or children

If your turkish real estate is issued addressed to spouses or children, but paid by the chapter(head) of family the gratuitous transfer which is a subject the taxation takes place. However if the father of family "will lend" the spouse or to the children of money for purchase of this real estate it is possible to avoid this taxation.

At sale and purchase of the real estate in Turkey there can be various situations in which various taxes and duties(taxes) are differently charged. Therefore in order to prevent penal sanctions and the groundless taxation, we advise to address for the help of the qualified expert which will consider all individual nuances during purchase of the real estate in Turkey.

We hope, this clause(article) will enable you to operate with any base data at purchase and registration of the real estate in Turkey.
