WebMoney Trust
Any investments of means or settlement operations are always interfaced(integrated) to risk of default by the counterpart of the taken obligations. At realization of financial activity on the Internet this risk much more increases. More often we know nothing about people with whom we pay off for the goods or service. Besides frequently such calculations occur(happen) on an advance payment: " in the morning of money, in the evening chairs ".
I think, I shall not make the big opening if I shall tell, that in any commercial operations made through the Internet, a greater(big) role plays trust to the partner. But the trust does not appear at once. It always grows out long and successful attitudes(relations).
The problem of trust in online-business has been partly solved owing to opened(open) WebMoney Trastovomu to service. The principle of its(his) work is transparent enough. It is created special trastovyj a purse, on which all participants of the transaction (it is usual their two - the seller and the buyer) grant the mortgaging sum of the stipulated size. From this time each of investors of the WM-trust created thus can return the means only at the consent to that other participants. Access to means will be impossible until will be reached(achieved) a consensus, and it can occur(happen) only at successful carrying out of the transaction.
Creation of a trust and its(his) closing occurs(happens) through the web-interface, to the address of https: // trust.webmoney.ru. For creation of a trust it is necessary to fill the special form (fig. 1). Fields "name", "total sum" and " term of expectation " are obligatory.
Fig. 1
The existing interface allows to create trusts of various kinds. For example, you can create a trust with the identical mortgaging sums for all participants, and can establish(install) strictly certain sum of the mortgage for each participant. Besides it is possible to create a trust with limited initial for (return of means is possible(probable) not earlier this term) or the limited total elapsed time (return of means occurs(happens) not later this term). Creation of a termless trust (it, by the way, the most general(common) case) is possible(probable).
Certainly, application of a WM-trust often is not justified. It concerns(touches) cases when you well know the partner and are assured of it(him) or when the sum of your transaction is insignificant. However, in other situations Trastovyj service, certainly, can be useful and secure you against risk and loss of means.
by businesscrp.com